Events Archive
Thursday 17 September 2020 - 10:00
Part of the UDG and AoU joint Symposium on The Fifteen Minute City this session is jammed pack with quick-fire presentations exploring key themes: alternative fifteen minute cities - case studies; more than just housing; the fifteen minute city for all ages; streets and movement. And very importantly leaves plenty of time to interrogate and discuss further.
Wednesday 16 September 2020 - 18:00
The first ever UDG + AoU joint on-line symposium. Is the Fifteen Minute City a welcome or effective way to organise urban life? An urban quarter in a quarter of an hour? Could it draw investment, services and power back into local communities? Or does it misjudge the nature of cities, including the economic, cultural and political role of city centres?
Tuesday 4 August 2020 - 12:00
An introduction to The Street Improvement Manual produced by The Street Improvement Collaboration, a growing group of engineers, landscape, urban design and public realm practitioners who are sharing their ideas, experience and vision to help local authorities tackle the challenges of Climate Change, Decarbonisation, Health, Active Travel, and more…
Thursday 30 July 2020 - 17:30
Once famed for the 'Glasgow effect’, which saw Glaswegians having a 30% higher risk of dying prematurely than those living in similar postindustrial British cities, we will explore how the city picked itself up - politically, strategically, and in terms of urban design - to become the fun and energetic city is is today.
Thursday 23 July 2020 - 17:30
We have come so far, and we have experienced so much, and for it we are stronger. How can we apply the lessons we have learned to help towns and cities prepare for and fight against the impending environmental and climate emergency? And how can we shape our cities to support carbon neutrality by 2030?
Tuesday 21 July 2020 - 13:00
UDG is pleased to host the official launch of Building for a Healthy Life.
Join us for an opportunity to ask questions and find out more from the authors and partners.
Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) updates Building for Life 12, England’s most widely known and most widely used design tool for creating places that are better for people and nature.
Thursday 16 July 2020 - 17:30
Arguably never before has there been so much scrutiny on urban environments and the effects they have on the health and happiness of human beings, and with people spending so much more time at home than usual we will reflect on what makes good human habitat.
Thursday 9 July 2020 - 17:30
This ideasSPACE is the closing event of a three part conference covering latest science, duties, policies, and design and management practice, that can turn towns and cities into places that provide the safe, healthy environments that children need to thrive.
Wednesday 8 July 2020 - 8:15
A three part conference covering latest science, duties, policies, and design and management practice, that can turn towns and cities into places that provide the safe, healthy environments that children need to thrive.
Thursday 2 July 2020 - 17:30
With short and snappy three-minute presentations from our speakers, the panel will be creating conversations and debating across a wide range of disciplines and points of view from design to planning, to strategic infrastructure, education, construction, transport and everything in between!
Thursday 25 June 2020 - 17:30
Covid-19 has focused people's life on their homes. Some people have found their homes are not fit for purpose. In some cases the way people live has directly contributed to increased rates of infection.
In this IdeasSPACE we want to explore how we might design our homes in the future taking on board lessons learned in recent months.
Thursday 18 June 2020 - 17:30
This week's ideasSPACE will focus on Diversity + Inclusion in Urban Design, covering three key themes: Education; Professional Practice; Community Practice
Thursday 11 June 2020 - 17:30
In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the importance of nature in our urban environments, and how the creation of linked green infrastructure can underpin a ‘city ecosystem’ that encompasses not only parks and open spaces, but also streets, squares and spaces of all sizes.
The Covid lockdown has further emphasised this need...
Thursday 4 June 2020 - 17:30
With funding bids required from local authorities this Friday we want to highlight international best practice and introduce a COVID Safe Streets Design Guide which is being produced by the newly established 'Street Improvement Collaboration’.
Thursday 28 May 2020 - 17:30
Barreiro in Portugal, is a place that faced significant decline in industry and then population. Whilst it has many positive attributes - its stalled regeneration to date will now need to also consider additional constraints.
Wednesday 27 May 2020 - 10:00
Join Place Alliance & Partners for the launch of Delivering Urban Quality – Time To Get Serious pamphlet. The pamphlet sets out the case for a Design Quality Unit for England and is a joint initiative of The Academy of Urbanism, Civic Voice, CPRE, Design Council, Place Alliance, Trees & Design Action Group and the Urban Design Group.
Thursday 21 May 2020 - 17:30
How we design our cities today will save lives tomorrow.
'New Lives, New Values', a thought provoking paper from Roger Evans, Studio Real has formed the basis for a series of discussions exploring: Retail + Workplace; Housing, Public Realm + Parks; Streets, Movement + Transport; Planning
'New Lives, New Values', a thought provoking paper from Roger Evans, Studio Real has formed the basis for a series of discussions exploring: Retail + Workplace; Housing, Public Realm + Parks; Streets, Movement + Transport; Planning
Thursday 14 May 2020 - 17:30
How we design our cities today will save lives tomorrow.
'New Lives, New Values', a thought provoking paper from Roger Evans, Studio Real has formed the basis for a series of discussions exploring: Retail + Workplace; Housing, Public Realm + Parks; Streets, Movement + Transport; Planning
'New Lives, New Values', a thought provoking paper from Roger Evans, Studio Real has formed the basis for a series of discussions exploring: Retail + Workplace; Housing, Public Realm + Parks; Streets, Movement + Transport; Planning
Thursday 7 May 2020 - 17:30
How we design our cities today will save lives tomorrow.
'New Lives, New Values', a thought provoking paper from Roger Evans, Studio Real has formed the basis for a series of discussions exploring: Retail + Workplace; Housing, Public Realm + Parks; Streets, Movement + Transport; Planning
'New Lives, New Values', a thought provoking paper from Roger Evans, Studio Real has formed the basis for a series of discussions exploring: Retail + Workplace; Housing, Public Realm + Parks; Streets, Movement + Transport; Planning
Thursday 30 April 2020 - 17:30
How we design our cities today will save lives tomorrow.
'New Lives, New Values', a thought provoking paper from Roger Evans, Studio Real has formed the basis for a series of discussions exploring: Retail + Workplace; Housing, Public Realm + Parks; Streets, Movement + Transport; Planning
'New Lives, New Values', a thought provoking paper from Roger Evans, Studio Real has formed the basis for a series of discussions exploring: Retail + Workplace; Housing, Public Realm + Parks; Streets, Movement + Transport; Planning