Guildford Placecheck

Sunday 23 July 2023 - 10:45 to 17:00
Meeting point: outside Costas, Guildford Railway Station


A visit for urban designers and colleagues to this historic Surrey Market Town + Placeheck

Meet outside Costas at Guildford Station, 10.45 am

Trip will include the riverside, high street, castle, cathedral and university, plus retail, commercial and residential development.

The Placecheck is being organised by Rob Cowan - so you will be able to feed in online what you like and don't like about parts of the town.

Stay for as long as you like.

There will also be an evening trip to a novel 1990s development with a ford. - car or lift necessary.


Download the "How to Placecheck Guide"

Visit the Guildford Placecheck map

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