Design Officers Network

Thursday 19 January 2023 - 12:30 to 13:30

This Design Officers Network meeting is open to anyone who:
- works for a Local Authority, Central Government, a Government Agency, a charity or not for profit                                                 and
- is involved in design in the built environment: 

urban design | highways | engineering | environment | public health | community development | architectue | planning | conservation | leisure | landscape | regeneration | waste management | utilities | lighting | parks and so on... 

To join the network please leave your details on this link


To reserve your place for this event please follow this link

12:30 Welcome : Lisa Richards

12:35  Streets for a Healthy Life - Introduction >>>>

Amy Burbidge, and Dan Roberts - Homes England  

12:50 Using Building for a Healthy Life  >>>>

Amy Burbidge, and Dan Roberts - Homes England  

13:05 National Planning Policy Framework (England)  Draft- Consultation and National Development Management Policies >>>>   
Reference: NPPF and National Development Management Policy Consultation - Five Minute Summary

Andrew Raven, Savills

13:30 Close