
Owen Huxford

Towards an Urban Renaissance, the report of the Urban Task Force was published on 29 June 1999.  The Urban Task Force was one of many task forces that had been set up by the new Labour Government brought to power in May 1997.

Local plans should be based on a shared vision for each town developed with the community, rather than relying on landowners and developers to propose sites for development.


This is a summary of the book  Urban Villages - A concept for creating mixed-use urban developments on a sustainable scale – originally published in 1988 by, and available at the time, from the Urban Villages Forum, price £30. 


This briefing sheet is a summary of Bringing Britain Together - A national strategy for neighbourhood renewal produced by the Social Exclusion Unit, published in September 1998.  Price £9.50, available from The Stationery Office, 0345 023474.

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If you would like to stand for election to the UDG Executive for the 2023 session, please complete this online form. 

Announcing the Finalists of the 2023 National Urban Design Awards Wednesday 15 February 2023
in conversation with Christopher Martin

Pete Dyson, is the Principal Behavioural Scientist at the Department for Transport and author of Transport for Humans.

Emissions trends
Greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase
My Favourite Plan
Richard Summers

The key components of a mixed-use and integrated neighbourhood, from Towards an Urban Renaissance, Final Report of the Urban Task Force (1999)

Behind the Image
Imogen Blaikie, Lionel Eid, George Garofalakis, Elizabeth Lancaster and Laura Dodds-Hebron

In 2004, the site of an old distillery in Holyrood became the new seat for Scottish government with a Parliamentary building complex and publicly accessible grounds designed by Miralles Tagliabue EMBT.

Climate Change Global Digest
Jane Manning with Julie Futcher, Mitch Cooke and Joanna Wright

This edition puts a spotlight on the UK’s third Climate Change Risk Assessment published at the end of 2021. In addition, we include the recently adopted Building Regulations and other relevant research and guidance.


Joe Holyoak

Herbert Manzoni now has a largely negative reputation in Birmingham. He had the roles of City Engineer, Surveyor and Planning Officer from 1935 to 1963, and his vision effectively determined the shape of the postwar city.

Climate Change Global Digest
Jane Manning with Joanna Wright, Mitch Cooke and Julie Futcher

This edition draws together some of the most useful documents and research launched or promoted at COP26.

Behind the Image
Alice Raggett, Lionel Eid, George Garofalakis, Elizabeth Lancaster, Imogen Blaikie and Laura-Dodds Hebron

A wide historic street and car park has been transformed into a temporary park in the city centre, one of the city’s largest public spaces.

Joe Holyoak

In September I attended an online talk by the architect Peter Barber, which he called Street: Who owns the city, part of the Architects’ Journal AJ100 Festival.

My Favourite Plan
Mike Biddulph

Berlin Planwerk Innenstadt, 1999 | Source: Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen
