UDG's November round up



UDG at COP26 | Urban Design Summit
With acclaimed and international speakers investigating what towns and cities need to do to strengthen their relationship with the environment and prepare for more resilient futures.

  • People Friendly Places are Planet Friendly Places
  • Launch of the Climate Framework
  • Creating Climate Safe Streets
  • Climate Repair
  • Climate Conversations - Community Sustainability Hubs

Presentations can be watched on the UDG youtube channel (15 in total)

UDG Study Trip to Chester 
Study trip hosted by Chester Civic Trust and members of the UDG taking in 2,000 years of urban design, conservation, heritage and new developments.
A small fee was charged and all proceeds went to the Chester Civic Trust.

Campaigning + Influencing


We announced the winners of the National Urban Design Awards

All winners and finalists are profiled in the Urban Design Directory: Awards Finalists


UDG Chair, Katja Stille was in conversation with Peter Murray Curator in Chief at NLA (New London Architecture) talking about a subject really close to her heart - health and well being - and how designs for better public health can be integrated into the planning of cities.



In November the UDG Exec were delighted to approve new Recognised Practitioners:
Paul Reynolds | Mike Wood

Along with an Australian cohort who will form the basis of New South Wales federated Urban Design Group :
Craig Allchin | Paul Berkemeier | Philip Graus | Diana Griffiths | Jan McCredie | Gabrielle Morrish | Russell Olsen | Matthew PullingerBrendan Randles | Deena Ridenour | Thomas Rivard | Roderick SimpsonPhilip Thalis | Tanya VincentPaul Walter 


New opportunites were posted for:
David Lock Associates | Glenn Howells Architects | PRP ArchitectsSavills Urban Design Studio

Income from job advertisements on the UDG website help to support the UDG's charitable activities. Practice members receive a 50% discount.