Events Archive
Thursday 18 November 2010 - 17:45
Guided by Ed Burrows, Property Director of Peel Media, the tour will take in the sights of MediaCityUk at Salford Quays, including an exclusive studio block tour.
Tour strictly limited to 30 places.
Drinks at Lime Bar, Salford Quays after the tour finishes.
Thursday 18 November 2010 - 9:30
Wednesday 17 November 2010 - 18:30
The Urban Design Group's newest patron Sir Richard MacCormac discusses his recentwork on urban form and densities and his new book, shortly to be published.
Friday 22 October 2010 - 9:15
21-23 October 2010
Location: Leeds Metropolitan University
Thursday 14 October 2010 - 9:30
Time: 9.30am - 5.30pm
Venue: National Waterfront Museum, Swansea
Wednesday 13 October 2010 - 18:30
Ed Parham - Space Syntax
Tuesday 5 October 2010 - 18:30
Time: 18.30 - 20.30
Meeting Point: Sales Suite at Upper Grove Place, off Grove Street at 18.30
This is easily reached from Haymarket Station (5mins walk) and City Centre bus routes. Free on-street parking is also available nearby.
Meeting Point: Sales Suite at Upper Grove Place, off Grove Street at 18.30
This is easily reached from Haymarket Station (5mins walk) and City Centre bus routes. Free on-street parking is also available nearby.
Wednesday 22 September 2010 - 18:30
It is now more than 30 years since the Irish Republican threat led to anti-terrorism interventions in the urban environment.However since 9/11 the threat has become more serious and complex; the response has seen legislation and guidance that is having a dramatic effect on the way we design our cities and streets, now and in the future.
Tuesday 21 September 2010 - 12:30
Oranised by RTPI, RICS, RIBA and LI West Midlands to celebrate UDAL's tenth Urban Design Week.
A seminar exploring, by reference to case studies, how urban design affects community and how communities can influence urban design. Is it possible to create places where communities can develop and flourish? How can communities be involved in urban design?
Saturday 18 September 2010 - 13:00
Come for a pub crawlaround the old stereotypicalparts of Chelsea off Kings Road, a stroll along the Embankment and Cheyne Walk,and a visit to the slightly newer parts at the 'other end' around the Worlds End and the Lots Road Triangle, including a tour around the newly developed Imperial Wharf, finishing up with a sojourn at the 2010 Im
Thursday 26 August 2010 - 17:30
UDG's STREET North West and Northwest Young Planners present
New East Manchester - Walking Tour
With Lyn Fenton, regeneration consultant and featuring a tour of ‘Chips’
Wednesday 25 August 2010 - 18:15
An Urban Design Group / STREETLondon tour