National Urban Design Awards open for entries!
After a short hiatus our relaunch of the National Urban Design Awards brings new categories that reflect the different types of work undertaken by practitioners in urban design from Policy, Strategy + Design Guidance and Frameworks + Masterplans, through to built schemes, with criteria based on real-world design guidance/standards and statutory duties.
We are as always immensely grateful for the continuing support of the Francis Tibbalds Trust who generously provide a £600 prize for the winner of the Student Project Award. A discretionary grant of up to £1,000 will also be available to the winner of the People Friendly Place Award to be used to support the furthering of people friendly work or projects.
- Frameworks + Masterplans
- Policy, Strategy + Design Guidance
- People Friendly Place
- Student Project
- Innovation
We are looking forward to receiving projects that:
- are people friendly
- reflect current best practice guidance on technical design (eg highways, drainage)
- reflect current best practice guidance on wider design issues such as context, identity, movement, resources etc
- would help local councils meet legal duties such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the 2050 net zero carbon emission target
We also have the Book Award with the shortlist selected from the book reviews profiled in the last 5 issues of the URBAN DESIGN journal and an Outstanding Contribution to Urban Design where we invite UDG members to nominate an individual or organisation who have made an outstanding contribution as a practitioner, policy maker, activist, journalist... or an innovative scheme that took risks, broke ground and became an exemplar.
National Urban Design Awards 2021
Deadline for entries 16 July (30 June for Student Project Award)
FREE to Local Authorities and other Government Departments, Community Groups and Students attending UDG registered universities