The Urban Design Skills Survey Report
With a move to a design-led planning system in England, the question of design skills and approaches in our local authorities looms large. Join us for this lunchtime launch of a major new report from the Place Alliance examining design skills and design governance approaches in England’s local planning authorities. Funded by the Urban Design Group and supported by the Design Council, the research will report on:
- Design capacity in local planning
- Funding and recruitment challenges
- The use of design review, design codes and proactive community engagement in design
- The use of design guidance and training
Recommendations for Government, the emerging Office for Place and local government will be made.
Katja Stille UDG Executive Chair | Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design
Laura Alvarez Nottingham City Council, Senior Principal Urban Design and Conservation Officer
Matthew Carmona The Bartlett, UCL and Chair of the Place Alliance
Joanna Averley Chief Planner MHCLG
Nicholas Boys-Smith Create Streets and Office for Place Transition Board Chair
Alan Stones Former editor Essex Design Guide and Head of the Essex Design Service
00:00:00 | Katja Stille INTRODUCTION |
00:04:50 | Matthew Carmona REPORT FINDINGS |
00:23:35 | Laura Alvarez |
00:26:38 | Joanna Averley |
00:37:30 | Nicholas Boys-Smith |
00:52:21 | Alan Stones |
00:56:54 | Concluding discussion |
Matthew Carmona