Tuesday 17 December 2024 - 12:30 to 13:30

Meeting to receive and approve the annual report and accounts. 


1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Minutes of the Special General Meeting 30 April 2024
3. Annual Report and Accounts
4. Progress report and future plans
5. Membership Survey Results
6. Any other business

Book your place >>>>

Special General Meeting 30 April 2024


1. Honorary Officers and Executive (2024 session)

The following were elected: 

Chair: Paul Reynolds
Honorary Secretary: Hanah Smart
Treasurer: Louise Thomas
Husam AlWaer
Scott Elliott Adams
Roger Evans
Lucy Fineberg

Leo Hammond
Ana McMillin
Amanda Reynolds
Katja Stille
Rob Thompson
Naike Zambotti
Charlotte Savage (Coopted)


2. Charitable Incorporated Organisation - Draft Constitution and Application to the Charity Commission

The motion to approve the draft constitution for the UDG as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and to submit it to the Charity Commission for approval was proposed by Roger Events, seconded by Richard Crappsley and approved.


3. Election of Trustees, Honorary Officers, and Executive Committee as members of the new Charitable Incorporated Organisation

The following were elected to take their positions when the new organisation is established. 

Trustees and Honorary Officers

Chair: Paul Reynolds – 1 year + 1 year as past chair
Honorary Secretary: Hanah Smart  - 2 years
Treasurer: Louise Thomas – 2 years

Janet Tibbalds (non-member Trustee)
Jon Rowland
Marcus Wilshere

The appointment of a trustee to be nominated by UDG Editorial Board would be ratified at the first AGM of the CIO.

Executive Committee

Paul Reynolds
Hanah Smart
Louise Thomas
Husam AlWaer
Scott Elliott Adams
Roger Evans
Lucy Fineberg

Leo Hammond
Charlotte Savage
Ana McMillin
Amanda Reynolds
Katja Stille
Rob Thompson
Naike Zambotti

View the candidates' manifestos on this link