Towards a Neighbourhood Renaissance Living-well locally
General Public - £25
Non-member Professionals - £35
UDG Members - £25
AoU Members - £25
Local Authority Officers/Councillors / Public Sector - £25
Housebuilders/Developers - £25
Community Groups - £25
Students - £18
Neighbourhoods are in crisis. Shops and community facilities are closing, loneliness and isolation is increasing. Public health is worsening, and life expectancy is declining owing to unhealthy lifestyles. Villages are losing shops, pubs and post offices, reducing them to nothing more than quaint rural housing estates.
In new development, neighbourhoods seem to be hard or impossible to create – something that has been picked up by press and local communities. No shops, no doctor’s surgery, no community centre, no leisure facilities, no employment, no public transport. Just houses.
What can be done? – this day-time in person event brings some of the UK’s leading researchers and practitioners on:
...Existing Neighbourhoods: what can be done to retrofit, revive and sustain them
...New Neighbourhoods – how to best to lay them out, what density, and how to ensure they have the facilities that people need, when they need them, not years later.
Chaired by Paul Reynolds, Tapestry and Lucy Fineberg UCM Architects
Speakers include:
What people want from their local neighbourhoods
Professor Matthew Carmona, Place Alliance, University College London
Featuring the findings of the major survey Home Comforts on people’s preferences.
20 Minute Neighbourhoods - Living well locally – launch of major report
Dr Husam AlWaer University of Dundee.
A review of current thinking, including density, intensity, proximity, Each delegate will receive a copy of the report.
Re-modelling Neighbourhoods
Chris Martin, Urban Movement
On the state of the art in layout, design and changes that can be introduced to make walking, cycling, playing and "biding" easier, safer and happier.
The right density
Stephen Proctor, Proctor and Matthews
How much development density can be raised whilst ensuring privacy, peace and tranquillity, trees and greenspace, and the type of architecture and public realm that can make this possible.
Community Hubs
Parisa Wright, The Greener and Cleaner network
Practical advice on leading and organising local people into a community, using underused spaces, creating “libraries of things”, providing activities, talks and an open door to anyone who wants to be involved.
What goes wrong with community infrastructure planning and how to get it right
Amanda Reynolds, AR Urbanism
Is there are role for portacabins … or not? Are S106 agreements the answer? How can public transport be provided before the community becomes permanently locked into car-dependency……. And much more….
How supermarkets can support community wellbeing
Catherine Hammant, Researcher and Independent consultant.
The results of several years of study looking at how national chains can boost local life.
Neighbourhood Vision
Richard Eastham, Feria Urbanism
Sharing years of experience of working with local people – without whom there will be no neighbourhood and no progress.
Organised with the support of the University of Dundee.