Special General Meeting

Tuesday 30 April 2024 - 12:30 to 13:30

Notice of Meeting

Open to members of the Urban Design Group 

1. to elect the Honorary Officers and Executive (2024 session)

Chair: Paul Reynolds
Honorary Secretary: Hannah Smart
Treasurer: Louise Thomas
Husam AlWaer
Scott Elliott Adams
Roger Evans
Lucy Fineberg

Leo Hammond
Ana McMillin
Amanda Reynolds
Katja Stille
Rob Thompson
Naike Zambotti

2. to propose and approve a draft constitution for the UDG as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation for submission to the Charity Commission.  Comments on the constitution can be added on this on-line form

3. to elect Trustees, Honorary Officers, and Executive Committee members of the new Charitable Incorporated Organisation to take their positions when the new organisation is established. 

Trustees and Honorary Officers

Chair: Paul Reynolds – 1 year + 1 year as past chair
Honorary Secretary: Hanah Smart  - 2 years
Treasurer: Louise Thomas – 2 years

Janet Tibbalds
Jon Rowland
Marcus Wilshere

Plus Trustee to be nominated by UDG Editorial Board, to be ratified at the next AGM

Executive Committee

Paul Reynolds
Hannah Smart
Louise Thomas
Husam AlWaer
Scott Elliott Adams
Roger Evans
Lucy Fineberg

Leo Hammond
Charlotte Savage
Ana McMillin
Amanda Reynolds
Katja Stille
Rob Thompson
Naike Zambotti


View the candidates' manifestos on this link


If you are a paid up UDG member, you can register for a place at the meeting on this link



Election Application Form

Please complete the online form if you wish to stand for election as a Trustee, Honorary Officer or Executive Committee Member.   


The Proposed Constitution for the UDG as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation

The UDG is proposing to become a charitable incorporated organisation.  A draft constitution has been prepared using the Charity Commission model Constitution of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with voting members other than its charity trustees (association model constitution) with edits shown in a blue font. 

The charitable objects and structure of the Urban Design Group will remain unchanged

  • the Urban Design Group Executive Committee will continue to be responsible for the day to day activities of the group
  • the Urban Design Editorial Board will continue to be responsible for the production of Urban Design Journal
  • the Trustees will continue to be responsible for overall strategy, budgets and oversight

The main changes between the current constitution and the new are:

  • Trustees will be elected by the membership of the Urban Design Group
  • the elected Honorary officers will also be trustees
  • the Urban Design Editorial Board will nominate one trustee to provide a permanent contact between the Trustees and the Editorial Board.
  • the Trustees may nominate a non-member trustee (such as someone who might be able to provide special advice, such as legal, or financial)
  • the Trustees will be between 7 and 8 in number. 

Download the draft constitution 

Please add any suggestions or comments on this online form