Announcing UDG's Exec Committee for 2022
At the Urban Design Group's AGM on Tuesday 14 December we warmly welcomed a couple of new faces to the Executive Committee to join the familiar and long standing. Thank you to those who put themselves forward and we look forward to the year ahead!
- Husam Al Waer University of Dundee
- Leo Hammond London Borough of Newham
- Colin Munsie CRMA UK | Kensuriyachat+Partners
- Colin Pullan Lambert Smith Hampton
- Amanda Reynolds AR Urbanism
- Barry Sellers Wandsworth and Richmond Councils
- Kenji Shermer East Devon District Council
- Alan Stones Consultant
- Louise Thomas TDRC
- Rob Thompson rtu.
Key Officers are elected for a two year term so we continue into 2022 under the leadership of:
Click here for biogs and details of co-opted and corresponding members to be approved at the January session.
The UDG is run by an Executive Committee, led by a chairperson with the support of two vice chairs. The Executive Committee meet regularly throughout the year and are responsible for all major decisions relating to policy, new initiatives and the management of the Group.
There are also a number of smaller sub-committees including members of the Executive Committee and others; these committees deal with specifc areas of the Group's activity such as the Awards, events, education, links with other organisations and the editorial board of URBAN DESIGN. We're always looking for new recruits for these committees; please contact us if you are interested in becoming more involved.