URBAN DESIGN 170 - Spring 2024
3 Planning, Transport and a little Philosophy
3 Film Night – Bikes vs. Cars
4 Reflections on Urban Design Practice
5 Urban Design Group Annual General Meeting 2022-3
6 My Favourite Plan: Krystallia Kamvasinou
7 Urban Design in Music, Nick Brown
8 Viewpoint: Planning Urban Green Spaces by Sound, Yiying Hao, Yuhan Shao and Richard Cope
11 Viewpoint: Rebalancing Public Space for Girls and Women, Deborah Saunt
14 Climate Change Global Digest
16 Behind the Image: Tour and Taxis, Brussels
19 Introduction, Sue James, guest topic editor
20 What if Cities were the Forests of the Future? Ludo Pittie and Matthew Jessop
24 Mapping Climate Risk and Vulnerability in Urban Areas, Sarah Greenham and Emma Ferranti
28 Branching Out: Understanding the Social and Cultural Values of Urban Treescapes, Hannah Walker, Kieron
Doick, Joanne Morris, Liz O’Brien and Alma Solarte-Tobon
32 Trees in Heritage Settings, Jan Woudstra
36 From Pre-Forest to Real Forest: Tokyo’s Otemachi Project, Peter Thurman
40 London Cubic Miles Project: Mapping the Sub-Surface, Katy Freeborough, Tim Munday and Stephanie Bricker
44 Creating Tree-lined Streets, Amy Burbidge
48 Tree Species Selection and the Performance Gap, Keith Sacre
52 Urban Design Library #49
53 The Art of Enterprise, Entrepreneurship in Design
53 Curbing Traffic: The Human Case for Fewer Cars in Our Lives
54 Revolution? Architecture and the Anthropocene
54 Neighbourhoods for the Future, A Plea for a Social and Ecological Urbanism,
55 Many Urbanisms: Divergent Trajectories of Global City Building
55 Urban Design Methods, Integrated Urban Research Tools
56 Practice with Purpose: A Guide to Mission-Driven Design
56 The New Urban Ruins
57 Working Water, Reinventing the Storm Drain