How high-quality housing can be delivered in less well-off areas

Tuesday 11 February 2025 - 13:00 to 14:00


Disadvantaged communities routinely put up with substandard housing development. Based on a detailed assessment of 20 housing development case studies from across England, this report identifies ten best practice routes to success in creating high quality development in areas where the housing market is weak, and disadvantage is rife.

13:00 Introduction

Chair: Paul Reynolds – Urban Design Group & Tapestry

Report presentation: Matthew Carmona – UCL


Joanna Averley – Chief Planner, MHCLG

Amy Burbridge – Homes England

Sowmya Parthasarathy – New Towns Taskforce

Vicky Payne – RTPI Urban Design Network

Joe Arthur – Wates Residential

Julia Thrift – Town & Country Planning Association


14:00 Close

Supported by Civic Voice, TCPA and Urban Design Group