Historic Towns Forum :Retail, the high street review and the revivification of historic cores

Friday 23 March 2012 - 9:00
Bircham Dyson Bell, 50 Broadway, London SW1H 0BL

Last autumn HTF responded to the Mary Portas BIS High Street Review by holding two joint roundtable events with English Heritage, attended by leading figures from the retail and heritage sectors. This has fed directly into the Review and will feed further into this HTF retail seminar.

Topics covered will include: Strategic and local planning issues - particularly in light of the Mary Portas Review and the imminent National Planning Policy Framework; Design issues within the historic retail landscape; The relationship with tourism and destination management; The ATCM 10 point manifesto; Analysis and examples of best practice with regard to town centre management issues; Guidance on issues currently facing local authorities and other stakeholders; and the mix and retention of uses within historic town centres, including finding new uses for historic buildings.

Cost: £119 (HTF Members) £139 (non Members) - second places at reduced fee

To view the full programme: http://www.historictownsforum.org/london12_2

Contact: T: 0117 9750459 E: htf@uwe.ac.uk