Ellie Forshaw
Ellie is an Urban Designer and Chartered Town Planner based in Manchester. Ellie is passionate about placemaking and creating high quality environments. Ellie champions the need for and benefits of, good placemaking through Urban Design, Planning and Development. Ellie uses Urban Design theories and best practice and applies these to her everyday work to ensure high quality and successful places and placemaking, that meet the needs of users; including Restorative Places, Gender Mainstreaming Principles, Active Transport and Future Proofing Environments. Ellie also has a keen interest in Urban Designs role in improving mental health and wellbeing.
Ellie has much experience working on behalf of public and private sector clients on varying scale projects, including landscape led residential, mixed use and commercial masterplans and design guidance and codes for outline, reserved matters and detailed planning applications and site promotion. Ellie has experience of large scale Town Centre regeneration projects and successful government funding bids including the Future High Streets Fund, Town Deal Fund and Levelling Up. Ellie regularly undertakes capacity studies, technical due diligence, urban design appraisals, regeneration strategies and frameworks. Ellie has experience of heritage projects for sites within conservation areas and conservation area appraisals.
Ellie is also a Building with Nature Assessor, volunteer PlacED Ambassador and RTPI Mentor.
MSc Urban Design and International Planning, University of Manchester
BSc (Hons) Geography, Sheffield Hallam University