David Tickle

David is the sector leader for Urban Design at HASSELL.

Working with the practice's global urban design team, David is responsible for ensuring HASSELL designs and delivers exceptional urban places. The team is committed to unlocking the full design, economic and social potential of our cities.

David has experience leading a range of master planning and urban design projects. These include
_whole-of-city visions and strategies
_major urban renewal projects
_transport and infrastructure projects, including rail and light rail
_town centre and specialist precinct master planning
_urban developments including commercial, residential and retail master plans

Key projects include
_Resilient by Design Challenge, San Francisco
_Huangpu East Bank Urban Forest, Shanghai
_Des Voeux Road Master Plan, Hong Kong
_Summer Hill Flour Mills Master Plan, Sydney
_Future Housing Design Proposals, Shenzhen
_CBD, South West and North West Metro Master Planning, Sydney
_City Centre Urban Renewal Strategy, Newcastle
_Parramatta Road Urban Renewal Strategy, Sydney
_Waterfront City Master Plan and residential development, Darwin
_Binhai High Speed Rail Interchange, Tianjin

David has worked in the Sydney and Shanghai studios of HASSELL. He is a skilled presenter and communicator, with extensive experience in community consultation.

Job Title

Bachelor Architecture (UNSW Sydney)
Masters in Urban Design (University of Sydney)


International Urban Design Organisations