A Garden Village

A Garden Village Project Images

Project Masterplan shown in Practice Profile.

The garden movement possesses twelve core principles, and these are all brought together in a concept masterplan for the proposed Garden Village.

This masterplan has the potential to deliver approximately 1,600 new homes, based on residential densities of 45 dwellings per hectare in the mixed-use centre and between 30 and 35 dwellings per hectare in residential areas.    A mix of homes will be provided, including market and affordable properties to meet local needs.

A care home will be provided overlooking one of the principal parklands. This equates to a new residential population of approximately four thousand new people, supported by a host of employment and infrastructure, which will help to provide additional community assets to outlying districts.

Alongside the new homes, the proposed Garden Village will deliver:

• A new centre and public square located in an accessible location;
• A new two-form entry primary school;
• A new doctor’s surgery and health centre;
• New local shops, café and pub;
• Allotments, community gardens and orchards;
• A new community hall that will form a focus for the social and cultural life of the Garden Village;
• A range of new employment opportunities including an enterprise hub and studios within the centre;
• Public sports pitches and a sports centre;
• New open space as part of a network linked by new walking and cycling routes, together with the SANG link;
• Further Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace;
• Increased biodiversity.