Aldershot Urban Extension
The purpose of masterplanning this MOD owned site was to achieve maximum value, provide housing and other uses to satisfy local demand and revitalise Aldershot.
The main objectives of the master plan were to: create connectivity and linkage with the existing urban fabric of the surrounding areas by making the site more “permeable” and accessible to the town; enhance the legibility of movement within the site and reinforce the character areas with new redevelopment; and link and integrate the site using gateways and nodes that form part of the connectivity and way finding approach to the redevelopment of the site.
A review of main views / vistas and focal points / landmarks (townscape elements) were identified in the SPD and various statutory Landscape Character Assessments (LCA’s) as well as movement hierarchy was woven into the master plan.
The master plan resulted in a distinctive and modern addition to Aldershot that retains the memory of its special history.