Planning and Design Group

Providing innovation and creativity and a range of consultant services in the fields of Planning, Urban Design, Masterplanning and Heritage through dedication, hard work and research.

We aim to drive forward deliverable, commercially viable and sustainable development.

Our expert team will help you unlock value in your sites, explore and create a vision for your projects and guide you smoothly through the planning system. With a wealth of experience, we offer a bespoke, competitive and highly professional service to a wide range of clients including landowners and estate managers, pension funds, local authorities, housebuilders, county councils, strategic land promoters, government bodies including the NHS and MOD, schools and universities, as well as agents and architects.

5 St John’s Lane
London EC1M 4BH
020 7549 2858

Bee House
140 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park
Oxfordshire OX14 4SB 
​01235 854008


Primary Office

Pure Offices
Lake View Drive
NG15 0DT
United Kingdom

Key Contact

Richard Hall

Regional Offices

East Midlands
London and South East
Planning and Design Group Urban Design Group Practice