UDG Publication

Urban Design Guidance

Author: Robert Cowan
Publisher: Thomas Telford
Publication date: 01 July 2003
ISBN: 0 7277 3135 1
Price: £25.00

There is a great deal of confusion about what design guidance is, how it should be prepared, what clients expect, what services consultants offer, and what resources are required. The aim of the guide is to help people use the right tools for the job, and to use them effectively. It is addressed to everyone who plays a part in commissioning, preparing or using guidance, whether as developers, council officers, consultants, politicians or members of partnerships.

How to buy
Order it now from Thomas Telford, Units I/K, Paddock Wood Distribution Centre, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 6UU. Tel: Customer services 020 7665 2464. Fax: Customer services 020 7665 2245. Email: orders@thomastelford.com  Internet: www.thomastelford.com


  • Paperbound
  • 297x210mm
  • 68 pages
Urban Design Guidance Publication Urban Design Group